We've made sure that many types of volunteering are included in our SVA Service Award. But what exactly is included?

It is reasonably easy to think of 'definitely volunteering' examples:

  • Coaching your little sister's sports team at their school for no money
  • Helping out at a food bank packing grocery boxes
  • Being the student organiser of a school-wide event such as the 40 hour Famine or the School Ball
  • Being an unpaid caregiver of whanau member such as a grandparent or parent with mental health needs

Some examples of 'definitely not volunteering' would be:

  • Attending sports practice
  • Playing an instrument in the school orchestra
  • Attending a hobby based club where you get personal enjoyment such as a dog breeding club.

But there are lots of grey areas too that we leave to the school to decide …

  • Participating as the leader of a school peer support group where that is a school requirement for all senior students
  • Coaching a Year 10 rugby team as part of your NCEA Level 2 PE requirements
  • Participating in the 40 Hour Famine by giving up your phone for 40 hours

If you're unsure, think about how your volunteering relates to this definition:

"volunteering is time given to help others with no expectation of reward."