C:\Users\r.wilson\Google Drive\17. SVA\2. SVA Guardians\photos\Forever Forests DSC02567_LR.jpg
Harry Excell, Josh Parkinson and Grandma Joy
Photo Credit: Stellar Studios

Meridian Energy is today closer to its goal of planting over one million trees in order to become carbon neutral, with the help of two enterprising Year 7’s from Fiordland College. The students came together with Assistant Principal Nigel Wilson to design a tree planting activity to contribute to Meridian’s ‘Forever Forest’ project, collaborating also with Sustainable Coastlines. The students were excited to work alongside a group of eleven Year 7 and 9 students, planting an amazing 500 wetland trees in the process. Throughout the day, the students also learned about the importance of wetlands for water quality and how the trees capture carbon dioxide, and the tangible benefits of both for the environment. With smiles all round, the students had an incredible afternoon and were proud to be part of this fantastic project. Keep up the great work Fiordland College!

First SVA Service Award pin receivers at Fiordland College - great work!